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VBA-Check All Form TextBoxes And Replace Specific Characters

If you need to check VBA textboxes for input of a specific character or string (or to replace the same) , or check that textboxes have input then here are a couple of simple functions to help carry it out. Here are examples of checking


Using VB.Net to Open, Update, Close Excel With Other Workbooks Open

ManFridayIT’s software development services include creating systems in VBA and MS Office automation. For further information, email Open, Update and Close Excel Workbook in VB.Net with other Workbooks Open This VB.Net application checks for any open Excel workbooks, opens an instance of Excel, searches


Using VB.Net to Update OpenOffice Calc Spreadsheet (without leaving .bin file hanging!)

Update Open Office Calc Spreadsheet in VB.Net Most of the references I have come across for updating Open Office with VB.Net do not cover closing the application (or in some cases opening) completely. Unlike MS Office automation where quitting / closing the class object and
