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website design and pagespeed ++

SEO In Derby

On-Page Optimisation

Increase Page Speed

Internal Linking

Image Optimisation

webmaster and vba
SEO Services in Derby
Does Your Website Need Its Presence On The Web Increasing?

Nowhere to be seen on Google? Website loading slow? Tumbleweed blowing through your Search Presence?

ManFridayIT can put you back on track, identify the areas that need improving (and not through an automated report) and get things moving in the right direction.

SEO is not just one action, it is a series of actions that positions your product or service in the best possible format for search engines to discover and rank. Obtaining good links is probably the hardest but the singlemost valuable aspect of Search Engine placement, but links alone are not sufficient for you to top the rankings consistently.

SEO Services

On-page optimisation is key, including the correct keywords or key phrases (long-tail keywords), their position and emphasis on the page. A good website designer should automatically include this as part of the design service.

Improving Title tags, page description (or 'snippet') - the snippet doesn't help you rank but attempts to persuade the 'click' from the Search Results page (SERPS). Services / product schemas or structured data are also integral in encouraging the search engines to better understand this particular page, product or service.

Google states the likelihood of visitors leaving your website increases by 32 percent when its load time increases from one to three seconds.

ManFridayIT can reduce your page loading time to optimum levels.

Internal linking helps you emphasise the most important aspects of your site to the search engines, and is an integral part of the SEO toolkit.

Having a blog is not just a great asset to your site, but also provides an excellent platform for deep linking into your main pages.

Image optimisation assists your site in two ways:

1. Correct sizing and format of the image improves page load speed;

2. Image names, alt text attributes and text adjacent to the image assist in Image Search.

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